Willaston School

The Willaston Way: Wise, Willing, Worthy, Wellness, Wondrous, Work-together, Warm-hearted

Our "Willaston Wonders & Willaston Wows" Gallery

Every week we host a Celebration Assembly where all children and staff attend. During this assembly we present the children with Willaston Wonder’ or ‘Willaston Wow’ certificates. Both certificates are linked to our vision and values which we use on a daily basis.

Willaston Wow certificates are awarded to children for one off magical moments in relation to their learning. For example, a child may have had a light bulb moment and understood a new concept in a challenging area of maths.

Willaston Wonder certificates are awarded to children for demonstrating a consistent attitude towards learning over a period of time. For example, a child who always challenges themselves with their learning, becoming a positive role model with a great attitude towards learning. Sometimes these awards link to our school values of "Fair" "Respect" and "Safe".

As we are an inclusive school we are very mindful that children learn at different stages to each other. We don’t award certificates because of a child’s attainment, instead we present a child with an award when they have done something exceptional for them.